The project involves a range of actors from the micro to meso and to the macro level through a collaborative approach, in order to investigate the employability framework of 5 MA courses in the Education and Training areas (LM50, LM57, LM85). The objective is to use different kinds of data (qualitative and quantitative) and tools to design a complex model of HE course employability that interrelates graduates’ “core competencies” (skills for life), course structures and work-related training resources (including curricula, experience-based didactics, traineeship and other forms of work-related learning), guidance services and other resources accompanying students in the transition to work, and the needs and expectations of students, teachers, employers, career guidance professionals, etc. This will benefit the overall system: besides the courses and universities involved in the project, the aim is to bring valuable knowledge to the HE system and to the regional and national networks for education, training and work.
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