The University of Florence research unit will explore models that foster the contribution of stakeholders and collaborative networks to improve employability systems in HE. The specific study by Florence University will be dedicated to analysis of the contribution of networks and the partnership between HE and stakeholders to strengthen employability processes and their learning outcomes. It entails analysis of the strategies, tools and devices that allow the construction of networks between the HE paths and stakeholders, in order to favour positive transitions. University of Florence Unit research question is: what kind of strategies, devices and tools foster strategic networking and partnerships for employability? Therefore, the focus of the research is on the competencies of the professionals called upon to promote and support positive transitions in the pedagogical perspective of employability. The latter is interpreted critically and pedagogically as a process concept, not simply as a goal or educational outcome (Boffo et al. 2019; Small at al. 2018). The research objects are the institutional and formal places where networking is built (i.e., course steering committees), but also informal contexts in which there is a relationship between the labour market and university (internship activities, specific training actions, etc.). The research question will be addressed using a methodology connected to the general one, following a mixed-method strategy (Trinchero, Robasto 2019). The analysis will focus on the multilevel and multi-stakeholder perspective and the triangulation of data sources (Ponce, Pagàn-Maldonato, 2015). The research process includes:
A. A systematic review of the research that has studied methodologies for the design and co-design of actions that develop the core competencies, based on networking and with a view to employability.
B. An analysis of the discourses in the formal documents that reconstruct the networking processes within each degree course (SUA, reports, minutes, etc.) and the comparison of this analysis with the general matrix identified in WP2. Drafting of an interview protocol for the networking actors.
C. Fieldwork: interview with 10 key informants from among the professional figures and organizations involved in networking.
The main output of this specific phase of the research project is the development of guidelines for:
• building effective networking to foster the employability of students;
• designing and co-designing actions to sustain core competencies for employability in networking and partnership settings.
Vanna Boffo, Principal Investigator of the Remploy Project, PhD., Full Professor in General and Social Pedagogy. In the last years, her research path has looked at Adult Education and Pedagogy of work. In depth, her research concerns The Care in Pedagogy, Critical relational Reflexivity, Life Long Learning Education, Pedagogy of the work and Active Ageing Research.
Fabio Togni, PhD., Associate Professor in General and Social Pedagogy. Currently his research focuses on topics of epistemology and pedagogical theory of adulthood with particular attention to the experience of work as an active form of training and on the forms of exercise of educational devices in informal and non-formal contexts.
Glenda Galeotti, PhD., Senior Researcher in General and Social Pedagogy. In her current research path she is focusing on the work-based learning in Higher Education and the interdisciplinary Service-Learning towards an evidence-based model for Sustainable Development.
Chiara D’Urso, MA, Junior Researcher in General and Social Pedagogy. Her research focuses on the processes of transition from higher education to the world of work with a preferential focus on second-level educational figures and the development of professional and transversal skills.
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