The University of Naples Federico II research unit will use a psycho-educational andguidance-oriented approach to explore the construct of employability, highlighting itsembedded reflective and self-reflective dimension and self-orienting implicationsconnected with other constructs such as mindfulness, narrative identity, careerguidance and life design. The Naples Federico II research unit will investigate a localcase study. It will look at the teaching structure of the LM 50 degree course“Coordination of Educational Services for Early Childhood and Social Disability” toidentify the employability-related “core competencies” and learning outcomes.Moreover, it will investigate the employment opportunities given through capitalizingon the long-term experience provided by the SINAPSI centre for the promotion of theemployability of university students and graduates. Through the design of specificstrategies, the research unit will model activities aimed at boosting the employabilitypotential of students and graduates, with particular attention directed towards thosestudents and graduates who are at risk of exclusion from the labour market or areparticularly vulnerable, aimed at providing them with the necessary life skills. Toachieve these goals, the Federico II research unit will focus in particular on thestudent’s “decision-making” skills and will work on developing mindfulness trainingin order to improve the student’s life skills and activate their employability potential.
Maura Striano (unit coordinator) - Full Professor in General and Social Pedagogy. In the last few years her research has been focused on the role of reflection within professional practices and on the use of reflective devices to promote professional development.
Mariarosaria De Simone – Researcher in General and Social Pedagogy. Her research is mainly focused on contemplative pedagogy, declined, in particular, in the use of mindfulness in educational contexts as a practice for the development of critical reflexivity, self-awareness and promotion of meta-emotional and metacognitive skills.
Maria Miraglia - Research Fellow. In the last few years her research has been focused on educational strategies, based on philosophical inquiry, to promote reflective processes within different kinds of educational contexts.
Institutional link page:
“Coordination of Educational Services for Early Childhood and Social Disability” Master’s Degree Course:
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